Today's Must Reads...

>> November 27, 2009

The Daily Gator asks "How about a new head for the RNC?" and nominates Smitty at The Other McCain for further defining the RNC's "Purity Test". (in reference to the RINO problem) I'm with Smitty and Gator on this one.

One of my FB friends KE points me to this WSJ article on the Climate-gate emails titled "How to Forge a Consensus"

We don't doubt that Mr. Jones would have phrased his emails differently if he expected them to end up in the newspaper. His May 2008 email to Mr. Mann regarding the U.N.'s Fourth Assessment Report: "Mike, Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?" does not "read well," it's true. (Mr. Mann has said he didn't delete any such emails.)
But the furor over these documents is not about tone, colloquialisms or even whether climatologists are nice people in private. The real issue is what the messages say about the way the much-ballyhooed scientific consensus on global warming was arrived at in the first place, and how even now a single view is being enforced. In short, the impression left by the correspondence among Messrs. Mann and Jones and others is that the climate-tracking game has been rigged from the start.
I don't think this is going to go away, no matter how the MSM ignores the story. It is by far one of the biggest hoaxes or conspiracies ever attempted. Bigger even than those faked moon landings.

Oh, those were real? C'mon... Really?


iOwnTheWorld Rules!

>> November 26, 2009

This is the funniest shiat I've seen in a looong time.

Check them out here.


Now There Is One Intelligent Reproductive Organ!

Sarah Palin's Uterus: America: Living on Borrowed Time

"Sometime in the next 20 years, entitlement spending alone - this doesn't account for trivial items like national defense - will exceed what we take in.

And every year the discretionary portion of the budget (the amount we're allowed to cut) grows smaller and smaller... while entitlements (expenses not subject to review) continue to expand. This means that every year it will become harder and harder to control the deficit."

This information just proves the point I was making here.

Seems like SPU has a lot of time on it's (hands?).
Would anyone be willing to allow a uterus to head The Fed?


Clueless or Calculating?

From Gateway Pundit:
For Thanksgiving Barack Obama Demands Release of 1,000 Terrorists
"President Obama wants the Israelis to release 1,000 terrorists…
The naive American President urged Israel today to release 1,000 terrorists in exchange for “peace” with the Palestinians."
Dell asks in the comments section:
"Would the fraud in the White House release Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to “insure peace” with the Muslim world? And, don’t be surprised if that demand is made before the circus trials in New York City! A dire warning will come – purportedly from Osama Bin Laden himself – and the President will get to see what the shoe feels like on the other foot..."
Read the rest here.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is the true story of Thanksgiving as told by Rush Limbaugh. Notice that the Pilgrims started out with a form of communism or socialism, then came upon capitalism by experimentation.

May you have a blessed day.


The War on Christmas Begins...

Shouldn't they wait until AFTER Thanksgiving to dis Christmas? Nah, why put off the inevitable.
Found at theblogprof:
Best Buy Can't Say "Christmas," But Wishes Muslims "Happy Eid al-Adha!"
Also, from the comments: "Best Bye-Bye" - I love it.


Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges...

>> November 25, 2009

for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist: via

This too, is asinine. It's Fort Hood "PC" taken to the nth degree on the international stage no less. We are the laughing stock of the world and it should be stopped. These SEALs are hero's and should be treated as such, not put on trial or charged with crimes. I don't have to tell you what kind of shock-wave this will send to the rest of our brave soldiers.
With every move they make, this administration seems intent on burying any and all initiative in the public and private sectors except to grow their precious government.


UPDATE: Cassie Fiano and Uncle Jimbo have more to say on the issue...


"The Secret Life of Climate Researchers"

>> November 24, 2009

Biting satire or actual  narrative? You decide:

"...French Horn Fanfare Theme

Fast-cut montage of walrus mating with polar bear, astronomer peering through telescope into neighbor's window, cheetahs chasing penguins on the Serengeti, scientists filling out NSF grant proposals
Dah dat dat DAAAH dat, dah daht duh dah dee-dah dee dah-dah!


This is the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, home of one of the largest nesting populations of climate scientists in Europe.
Gentle ant's-eye scene of idyllic campus lawn, strewn about with drunken mating undergraduates
Each year it attracts magnificent migratory flocks of graduate students, adjuncts and visiting faculty from across the northern hemisphere.

Shots of jumbo jets landing at Heathrow; herds of climate researchers busily milling at Duty Free shops, retrieving baggage, phoning for prearranged limo service..."

Read the rest at Iowahawk 

Found at HotAir


Now Reading...

Gilbert Keith Chesterton, (b. 29 May 1874 – d.Image via Wikipedia
The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton
A counter argument to evolution and Darwinism.

I should make my new homepage. This book has more fifty cent words than a slot machine has quarters.

I heard of this gentleman scholar from another blog some time ago. He was quoted in my previous post here. Highly recommended reading.

Thanks to The Thinker and South Bend Seven for introducing me to his writings.

Oh yea. My new favorite word: sophistry. It will sit there quite nicely next to subterfuge.


Pick on someone your own size. - Oh, wait...

We are allowing our children to be attacked with increasing frequency.
I submit:

The Boy Scouts are (were) under attack from the SEIU. Bullies. I hate bullies.

And.. a teenage girl is grilled by MSNBC reporter. (She does rather well I'd say.)

More to come, I'm sure.


Caption This....

>> November 22, 2009


VC Has The Lowdown On Valour-IT Fundraiser

Plus a cool video of some Navy drill team action.
Bottom line is we raised $113,124.90 for wounded vets.
Thanks to all of you.

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