New Toyz

>> February 13, 2010

I just love new toyz. Don't we all? If you frequent this blog thingy very often (both of you), you'll notice I changed my profile picture and made a couple of bannerz/posterz out of the bot and my dog. (Thanks Sharon for the nice picture of Vader. Hope the processing didn't mess it up too too much.)

I've been looking for a way to create those neat stylized propaganda picturez ever since they first showed up on the interwebz, but I didn't want to buy a Mac to do it. I like Macs and all, don't get me wrong, but I'm a PC guy. Why would I want to pay 2 grand for something I can build for 500 bucks. Not to mention the risk of acquiring the corresponding Mac-itude that goes with (some) Mac userz. I know I know, I've heard all the hype about how much better they (Macs) are for multimedia and sound and stuff but my little studio doesn't warrant an Apple price tag. Maybe some day I'll bite the bullet just to see what the difference is but not until one of you generous readerz makes a hefty donation to the "Lonely Robot That Needz a Mac Fundz." - Where are all theze damnable zeez coming fromz!? Jeez.

So anywayz, I found this web based stylizer yesterday and obviously got jiggy-wid-it.
If youz would like to get stylized too, you can find it in the Robot Diversions section down right on this blog or you can just go here and bookmark the thing your own self.z



What To Call Obama Supporters

>> February 12, 2010

IMAO is hosting a fun little game to come up with what in the world to call the  Obummer supporters. I offered what I believe will be the WIN, although at this point my comment is still awaiting moderation. (This is the first time I've commented on IMAO's blog so it's to be expected). (Success! I passed muster of the IMAO moderator!) There are some pretty imaginative ones over there so, go check it out and offer a suggestion or two.

I personally liked the one that said simply "Mom".


That had to hurt. I can feel her pain though, my Dad is ate up with the Democrat too, although to his credit, he didn't vote for B.H.O. I don't think he voted at all last year.


What? You're still here? Go on, Git!

Image found at Murphy Klasing’s Conservative Blog.


Tea Baggage: Debra Medina a 9/11 Truther?


Commentary all over the net.
Ace of Spades HQ thinks Truther,
The Classic Liberal thinks maybe not, just for two.
UPDATE: Gateway Pundit weighs in.

On Glenn Beck right now, he's saying that some Texans are glad he asked the question, some are angry that he asked it. Why get mad about a question? Questions are good. That's why we have primaries, to expose and inform.
Personally, I wish I could take some of Medina's policy positions and implant them into Perry's mind. Can I get Spock over here for a "Vulcan Mind Meld" please?


Caption It...

>> February 11, 2010

From Google Street View via email: Click to enlarge


Thoughts, Some Reggae and a Tagline Proposal...

>> February 10, 2010

A thought...

What a great and terrible time to be living in America.
We have the challenge and opportunity to do something never before accomplished in modern times; to turn back the incoming tide of socialism and tyranny that besets our country by using the tools that our Founders provided (at least what there is left of them). To that end, every free voice should lend itself to the dull roar mounting against tyranny, rising until such powers are torn asunder or else fall to the aristocracy and despotism that attempt to corrupt the very soul of our nation.

Or, in the immortal words of Bob Marley:
Get Up Stand Up. Stand Up For Your Rights. Get Up Stand Up. Don't Give Up The Fight!

New tag for the Robot:
Verbose meanderings of a drunken automaton...

Whaddya think? Too - too?
Or too true :)


Sarah Palin TEA Party Keynote Speech and Q & A

>> February 8, 2010

Thanks to Another Black Conservative who also offers notes on the speech here.

Continued after the jump...


Saints Win!

I swiped this straight from Floppin' Aces. Great Pic.


New Blog in Town

>> February 7, 2010

While we're cussing and discussing food, I'll share a new blog with you. Found through one of my other faves Little Miss Attila.
I dug on it not because he's based in Houston, Texas, which is near and dear to my heart, or because he's a musician (I like musicians; they sometimes let me hang with them), or because he writes about food amongst other things or the fact that he's got Obummer down pat so he's got that goin' for him as well. I just liked it right off. So, go check it out...
Didn' I Tell You?: Food!!!!!Eleventy!!

Also, be sure to stop by Eye of Polyphemus and say hello. He has been very gracious to the Robot in past weeks for no apparent reason. Giving linky love without asking for returns. Most gracious indeed. Thank you kind sir!


Let The Festivities Begin

superbowl brisket has begun or at least the coals
Geaux Saints!

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