New Toyz
>> February 13, 2010
I just love new toyz. Don't we all? If you frequent this blog thingy very often (both of you), you'll notice I changed my profile picture and made a couple of bannerz/posterz out of the bot and my dog. (Thanks Sharon for the nice picture of Vader. Hope the processing didn't mess it up too too much.)
I've been looking for a way to create those neat stylized propaganda picturez ever since they first showed up on the interwebz, but I didn't want to buy a Mac to do it. I like Macs and all, don't get me wrong, but I'm a PC guy. Why would I want to pay 2 grand for something I can build for 500 bucks. Not to mention the risk of acquiring the corresponding Mac-itude that goes with (some) Mac userz. I know I know, I've heard all the hype about how much better they (Macs) are for multimedia and sound and stuff but my little studio doesn't warrant an Apple price tag. Maybe some day I'll bite the bullet just to see what the difference is but not until one of you generous readerz makes a hefty donation to the "Lonely Robot That Needz a Mac Fundz." - Where are all theze damnable zeez coming fromz!? Jeez.
So anywayz, I found this web based stylizer yesterday and obviously got jiggy-wid-it.
If youz would like to get stylized too, you can find it in the Robot Diversions section down right on this blog or you can just go here and bookmark the thing your own self.z