Darth Hammer - Too Funny
>> January 23, 2010
And while we're on The Darth Side...
Use The Farce Luke.
Found at The JawaReport
And while we're on The Darth Side...
Use The Farce Luke.
Found at The JawaReport
Palin stumps for McCain! Payback?
I hope that's all it is, but she owes him nothing really. He owes her, as far as I'm concerned.
Michelle Malkin has the scoop.
Crash Landing For Err America
Call the Waaaaambulance.
Air America said 10 consecutive quarters of declining ad revenue and the difficulty of making money on the Internet contributed to its troubles.It seems there is no remedy for bad management and a message no-one wants to hear.
Tuesday, the Massachusetts Independents and Conservatives ran roughshod over the Democrat machine. To say that I'm ecstatic would be an understatement. OBummer probably needs a couple more TVs in the WH after doing some impromptu, unscripted demolition, but that's OK, he's got the taxpayers' money and a Nobel Prize to pay for them.
But, before we commence breaking our arms patting ourselves on the back, we need to look at what happened in Mass. and consider how to do it better next time.
Senator Scott Brown is a liberal Republican. Granted he's the lesser of two evils and will serve the purposes of the nation by being in that seat for sure. But I think one can easily show that he leans much farther left than most in the Republican party. So here's what I'm really getting at. We've got less than a year before the 2010 elections. We need Real Conservatives in the upcoming elections if we are to keep up the momentum and I'm not just talking on a state or national level.
Get Local and Get Vocal:
Former Speaker of the House Thomas "Tip" O'Neill once said "All politics is local."
I agree. We need to start from the bottom up. Nominate the best candidates you can find for your local elections. This is where the grass roots will really take hold in the next two or three election cycles. If we can catapult some of these into State offices this year, fine but the point is, most of those running at that level are already entrenched in their campaigns. So let's set about finding the future Conservative leaders this year.
On Term Limits:
To all those people who keep up the "Term Limits" and "Throw Them All Out" mantras. I want to point out just how dangerous those philosophies are. For one, they are rooted in a lazy attitude towards politics. It says that you are too lazy to do your own research. Does the politician you are about to throw out deserve to be thrown out like bad house guest? If so, good. Kick them out but remember, in the end we voters are at fault for letting the freeloader stay in the guestroom for too long.
If you are truly voting your political beliefs then he may be the right person for the job and with the TL or TTAO philosophy, you've just taken a valuable asset off the playing field. Especially in the case of an experienced politician, the newly elected will be slowed by the learning curve and possibly outflanked by the opposition. I would rather we keep the good ones and get rid of the bad.
Another argument against TL would be that a politician who knew he was about to lose his seat would have no accountability, no allegiance to the voter who should grade his performance. That sets up the special interest buying a vote at the last of his term, with no repercussions except for the citizen. The answer to this is not term limits. The answer is a more involved and informed voting base.
Define Your Beliefs:
This is merely a caution not to vote angry. We need to vote for something, not against something else and getting started locally is the only way to set up future elections for that end.
This past Presidential election is a perfect example of a population voting against a person rather than voting for a set of principles. We all know where that got us. That kind of angry voting lead us to the situation we're in now. With government breathing down our backs and threatening to take over one sixth of the economy.
But it also awakened us and got a lot of people fired up!
Let's stoke that fire with fresh blood from the local woodpile.
HT Villainous Company
The American Conservative
Doug Ross's Journal is Da Absolute Bomb! And his readers are pretty explosive themselves.
You make a small time Texas Robot feel a little bigger. Much grass for the linkage Douglas. You Rock!
Gateway Pundit comes through again!
Live streaming the Scott Brown election party.
I'm just sitting here at my local beer joint trying not to celebrate too early. However, I will raise a bottle of American brewed beer in a salute to the descendants of the original Tea Party participants.
Thank you for waking up with the rest of us. Welcome to the party.
UPDATE: Coakley Concedes!
Our second installment of The Peter Morrison Report:
Summary of this week's report:
Under current Texas law, illegal aliens qualify for in-state tuition at state colleges and universities, paying far less than legal immigrants and American citizens from other states. This
benefit costs Texas taxpayers tens of millions of dollars annually, and the amount is getting higher every year. IRCOT has filed suit to put a stop to this outrage. Let's support their efforts, and also contact our lawmakers to demand they repeal the law.
or does Instapundit have a robot fetish lately?
Here's one.
And another.
Help promote Scott Brown for Senate in Massachusetts. Send a message to the Liberals that we do not want their version of Health Care Reform.
Today is the day to get the vote out!
Sign up here.
Hillbuzz asks, if the Dem's won't seat Brown, do we have a Plan B? or, in the words of Sean Connery: "What are you prepared to do?"
Good question.
HT Little Miss Attila
In Houston, the new Planned Parenthood Abortion Super Center is to be located in a predominately Black and Hispanic community. How can anyone say that PP isn't racist? Aren't they just promoting self enforced population control? This is sickening.
Check out this video from Bound4LIFE - Houston, Now Is The Time
HT: The Woodlands TEA Party
In case you missed it or would like to see it again, this is a link to a video archive of the debate between Hutchison, Medina and Perry Jan. 14.
Found at Patterico's Pontifications.
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