A Critique on Conservatives

>> October 10, 2009

I've been exposed to a few blogs and articles lately critical of Conservatives for perceived inaction regarding the health care debate or any debate for that matter. I would like to discuss some of these and offer some constructive critique of my own. (Can't let everyone else have all the fun.) *disclaimer* I don't speak for all conservatives obviously but I think I can make a few observations. Hey, I gotta get this stuff out now or someone in a beer joint somewhere is going to hear it. We wouldn't want that to happen now would we?

Here is one quote from "The Thinker" and "South Bend Seven" ~ 
"The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected." — G.K. Chesterton"
Now I've never read G.K. Chesterton (adding to reading list), but, I'm inclined to disagree with a portion of this generality. While I detect a bit of a sarcastic barb in there (ala Dilbert), I think that a person who has conservative leanings may take more time than Progressives and J.Q. Public would like to absorb the information, form an opinion, make a decision and provide an alternative. (I left out "discover" the problem - IS there a problem? WHAT is the problem? WHERE did the problem originate?) It is the very nature of the conservative to not be rash, but rather, be methodical. (I wanted to say stoic, but that would imply a lack of passion and anyone that knows me, knows better. This is about me, isn't it? Oh.)

Dictionary.com defines conservative as: "disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change."
Pretty accurate I'd say, Who am I to argue with Webster? Although it doesn't say anything about policy, it does describe what I imagine a conservative person to be.

The Progressives count on this slow methodical approach. They paint it as either in-decisive or downright evil, turning it on Conservatives and using it like a bullhorn, driving through the streets of cities and towns with the mantra of "Conservatives aren't doing anything about -topic de jour- They must want all people to die because of it." blaring from the roof speakers. Once the argument has reached this stage, the debate has been transformed from a debate to a schoolyard name calling contest with the Conservative on the perpetual defense, trying to prove that they really do care about the problem enough to think about it thoroughly. Oh YEAH!? OH YEAH!?

More from SBS:

"This turns into the prototypical conservative/liberal argument:

L: At least I care about the problem!
C: But your solution is wrong!
L: But at least I care!
C: But you're wrong!
L: But I care!"

This is the perception of Conservative Thought. It has to change.

I think the engine of debate has been hijacked by Progressives. Our schools and institutions have indoctrinated J.Q. Public for a hundred+ years on the virtues of communal society (Socialism) . Never mind that it goes against the very fabric of our form of government (Democratic Republic) as it was first formed and intended. Progressives love a good crisis. "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" ~ Rahm Emanuel - Barack Obama's Chief of Staff
and former US Representative for Illinois. If there isn't a crisis, they will invent one to force a discussion which they can immediately turn on any person (Racist!) (You don't care!)who tries grab the reins and cries "Whoa there! Let's not rush into anything!" (How's that stimulus working out for ya?)

As Sheldon Richman, editor of "The Freeman" and a contributor to "The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics" writes in his article "Are We Really all Healthcare Collectivists Now?"

quote: "“We have to do something about health care.”

The scariest word in that sentence is not something. It’s we. The first-person plural form is not merely a convenience, as in “We’re in for a cold winter.” It indicates that decisions about “the healthcare system” should be made collectively, with one decision binding everyone.

That’s collectivism.

So why is virtually everyone a collectivist when it comes to health care? I do not exaggerate. Every prominent participant in the current debate over how to "reform" the medical industry approaches the issue in collectivist terms. They have differences at the margin-tax increases versus tax credits, a government-run "public option" versus subsidized nonprofit cooperatives-but there is no disagreement that "we" must have a policy.

But why must we do anything about health care? Why can’t you do what you want, I do what I want, and he and she do what they want? Isn’t that what’s supposed to happen in a free society? Reformers would say that costs are rising too much and some people can’t afford insurance. But that is no answer. It tells us only that possibly ameliorable conditions exist, not that collectivism is a good approach.

When we see problems in other important markets, most of us don’t expect televised presidential town-hall meetings, congressional committees, and omnibus legislation to give us the answer. We individually adjust our behavior in the marketplace and anticipate that entrepreneurs will cater to us. Solutions, with inevitable tradeoffs, are micro, marginal, and tailored to individual needs, not macro, holistic, and procrustean. Out of this arises an orderly marketplace–without a conscious overall plan. No one has found a better way to make masses of people better off.

Why is health care different? Must we collectively reinvent the industry? The social knowledge problem that F. A. Hayek spelled out should make us wary of any collective response.

The reformers’ stock answer is that this is something only we, acting through the "democratic process," can handle. That’s an assertion. Where’s the proof? What if earlier collectivist decisions gave us rising medical and insurance costs?

In fact they did. Nearly every aspect of medicine and health insurance that the politicians say needs fixing is the result of “our”–that is, politicians’–previous attempts to fix something."
read the rest at The Freeman

At the founding of our country, there were a myriad of problems to be faced by the new republic. It would be wise to reflect on what a couple of old geezers had to say about the federal government in that day.

Madison wrote: "The powers delegated by the proposed constitution to the federal government are few and defined."(If only that were still true Mr. Madison.)

I think Thomas Jefferson was the ultimate conservative voice. As President, he said: "The path we have to pursue is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose [to Congress]. A noiseless course, not meddling with the affairs of others, unattractive of notice, is the mark that society is going on in happiness." ~ both quotes taken from W. Cleon Skousen’s, The Making of America, p. 247

I think that as conservatives, we should take the lead when we regain control of the House and Senate. I'm working on my wish list of agenda items. I will post those later. But for now the point is that we should be the ones pushing debate. We should be thoughtfully educating J.Q. Public that big government IS the problem and we need less of it. Repeal the laws that don't work. Enforce the ones that do. Stress self reliance as the only path to personal pride and liberty. We need to be true conservatives instead of trying to appease the left.

If we allow this country to be "fundamentally transformed"(Obama) into a socialist society, we won't be able to change it back. "Liberties lost are rarely found again." ~ me

To the Socialists/Liberals/Communists:
This is a Democratic Republic and if you people want to live in a Socialist or Communist country, you are free to leave. Just keep in mind, that the country you defect to may not let you come back, comrade.

That's it. I'm done for the day.
Time for lunch and a beer. Cheers!


Friday Fun - Hepcat!

>> October 9, 2009

One can't be political all the time ;-)
Peace out.


UPDATE: Tea Party Express: 3 Weeks to Launch!

>> October 8, 2009

So, I'm having a beer at my aunts bar and I'm blogging. What about you ask? Welllll...
Here's why!
From Newsblaze
"37 Cities - 18 Days - More than 7,000 Miles
The Tea Party Express - which recently completed a historic national tour, now prepares to hit the road again in support of conservative Americans everywhere.
Launching on October 25th, the latest venture is called, "Tea Party Express II: Countdown to Judgment Day" in reference to the one-year mark before the 2010 congressional elections.."
"Our message hasn't changed, and this movement continues to grow," said Joe Wierzbicki, coordinator of the Tea Party Express. "We're still out there promoting five distinct principles:

*End the bailouts

*Stop cap & trade

*Stop out-of-control deficit spending

*End the government takeover of healthcare, and

*Stop raising our taxes.Any activist or politician that supports these points is in agreement with the message of the Tea Party Express."
I missed the first one damn it. I won't be missing out this time around!
Go to Newsblaze to vote in the poll - are you attending? supporting? Will you take part in this Tea Party Express


8th Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon Breaks $13K!

>> October 7, 2009

8th Annual Blogger Boobie-Thon Breaks $13K!

Can I just say, speechless.  Totally speechless and blown away and I would say that I was about ready to pass out around 9pm tonight, but now I am so pumped up I couldn’t sleep if I tried.  Our final numbers are in and they are truly amazing, more than I ever dreamed.  We would have been thrilled to see $10,000—and then $11,000 came and there was JOY!  Simple Bliss!  But this…this is crazy.
Ta Daa!


Your Government Wants To Eat You

And just in time for Halloween!
A government cannot exist simply to serve itself. If the larger percentage of the voting population is employed or is dependent upon the government, then it stands to reason that those employees or dependents will never vote themselves out of those jobs or benefits.

How did we get here?

The government of The United States Of America has been expanding since its creation. By slow encroachments and itty bitty usurpations we are losing our ability and capacity to govern ourselves. What really makes me angry is the fact that the population is slitting its own throat!

Shouldn't we be more vigilant in our political education?

The founders warned of this very day when George Mason said "From the nature of man, we may be sure that those who have power in their hands will not give it up while they can retain it. On the contrary, we know that they will always, when they can, rather increase it." as quoted in W. Cleon Skousen’s, The Making of America, p. 247

Our government should not be in the welfare or healthcare business!
Jeffrey Ellis asks on his site The Thinker "[Are We] Robbing Peter To Pay Paul?" and then abruptly answers with this astute observation ~ “A government with the policy to rob Peter to pay Paul can be assured of the support of Paul.” — George Bernard Shaw
He then goes on to a thought provoking analysis into the question. I highly recommend the read.

And in an earlier post he questions the "The Economic Impact of the Size of Government"
Says Jeffery:
"The issue of size of government versus economic growth is a “goose that lays the golden eggs” type of problem. It takes prosperity to fund various social programs — welfare, Medicare, and any other entitlement program you would care to add to the list. The fundamental conflict is that the more of these programs that government institutes, the less prosperity the nation has to fund them. But to be fair, on the other hand, the more prosperity we have, the more income inequality we also tend to have (although in general almost everyone is better off)..."

To the question of wealth and entitlements, I would respond with a quote or two from Lincoln.

Lincoln said: "That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well."
I think this was the original intent of the founders: We have the freedom to succeed, and the freedom to fail.

Lincoln again on the subject of self reliance: "Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built."
Lincoln seems to be hinting at anarchy stemming from an entitlement mentality here.

I understand that Jeffrey is coming at the problem from a purely logic based, Critical Thinking point of view, and I agree that we should be compassionate, but I cannot say that it is the role of government to provide these entitlements. Besides, I think the research he has done proves the point I am trying to make here.

Suffice to say that I believe this system is growing to be the world's largest pyramid scheme. Some will say that I am over simplifying, but there has to be a point of toppling the pyramid. Not everyone can be recipients of a government job or handout. The money to fund this monster comes from the working class.
Your government wants to eat you!

I think it's evident that a heckofa lot of level headed people have awakened due to the large numbers of anti-Obamacare / anti-big government protestors showing up at the town halls and tea parties. We have to keep educating the population to the corruption taking place within our government, and that if we keep feeding this monster, It will eventually eat us all.


Contract From America: A Tea-Party Fueled Attempt To Be Heard

>> October 6, 2009

A Houston lawyer looks to turn legislation back into a bottom-up process.
By Andrew Ian Dodge at Pajamas Media:

"Last month, a new effort to reconnect the populace with its public servants was launched: Contract From America.

This consultation exercise aims to gather ideas from the public on laws they would like to see passed or eliminated. The ideas will be boiled down to three in each policy area by a panel of tea party activists from all over the nation and then submitted to political leaders.

Considering the arrogance displayed by many members of Congress towards their constituents and their wishes, this project intends to make them aware of just how driven people are to see a change in governmental behavior.

An interview with Ryan Hecker, the head of Contract From America:

AD: What prompted you to create this project?

RH: In the past, public policy has been entirely a top-down affair. Politicians work with consultants and others to create public policy initiatives, for which the electorate either show support by re-electing the politician or reject by choosing his opponent. However, we have seen over the past decade that politicians have largely been bereft of economically conservative ideas. I created this website because I strongly believe that the citizenry has a lot of ideas to offer to politicians if given the chance to speak and make an impact. We no longer have to sit passively as politicians present their ideas to us. We can all help in creating a Contract From America that we can use to direct public policy in 2010 and beyond."
Read on here.

I like it a lot!



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