Today's Must Reads...

>> November 27, 2009

The Daily Gator asks "How about a new head for the RNC?" and nominates Smitty at The Other McCain for further defining the RNC's "Purity Test". (in reference to the RINO problem) I'm with Smitty and Gator on this one.

One of my FB friends KE points me to this WSJ article on the Climate-gate emails titled "How to Forge a Consensus"

We don't doubt that Mr. Jones would have phrased his emails differently if he expected them to end up in the newspaper. His May 2008 email to Mr. Mann regarding the U.N.'s Fourth Assessment Report: "Mike, Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?" does not "read well," it's true. (Mr. Mann has said he didn't delete any such emails.)
But the furor over these documents is not about tone, colloquialisms or even whether climatologists are nice people in private. The real issue is what the messages say about the way the much-ballyhooed scientific consensus on global warming was arrived at in the first place, and how even now a single view is being enforced. In short, the impression left by the correspondence among Messrs. Mann and Jones and others is that the climate-tracking game has been rigged from the start.
I don't think this is going to go away, no matter how the MSM ignores the story. It is by far one of the biggest hoaxes or conspiracies ever attempted. Bigger even than those faked moon landings.

Oh, those were real? C'mon... Really?


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