In the What Are They Up To Now Department...

>> April 5, 2010

"did he say deportment?"

No, de-part-ment.

"Oh damn, I thought they might be gonna get rid of some o' them illegals."

Not hardly, unless by get rid of, you mean grant citizenship to, thus legitimizing a criminal.

I wonder how many jobs we could create by deporting 20 million illegals? Or how many it would free up for Americans if we did?

Steve at Motor City Times has a great find on how Republicans and Democrats are going to sell us farther down the river and, in my opinion, get us one step closer to the RFID Chip.

How can they sleep at night?


robot April 6, 2010 at 7:46 AM  

Thanks for stopping by Dean O. It is an interesting question. Alas, One they are afraid to ask or answer.

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