iOwnTheWorld Rocks!!!

>> December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Robot!
The crazy folks at iOTW have graciously honored this blog with a reach around today. To them I owe a warm cup of eggnog and a huge dose of gratitude. They have showered this humble blog with hits never before seen. Much obliged!

To all the newcomers, y'all come on in. Take your shoes off and stay awhile. The coffee's brewing and there's a fire under the mantle. Wait a minute, I don't have a mantle. Fire! Fire! Someone get the extinguisher!

Peace to all, and Thanks again iOTW.


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You win the "I scrolled to the bottom of the blog award". Which is an empty paper bag of hot air. But then, if you made it this far, that is exactly what you've received. Glad you stopped by.
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